Sarà perchè Nella mitica Silicon Valley è approdata una ragazza che di moda se ne intende, Angela Ahrendts, ex CEO di Burberry e di recente nominata vice presidente senior di Apple, che sono apparsi per la prima volta, dalla mitica azienda Informatica,degli stupendi Iphone colorati che ritengo molto fashion.Lanciati come serie "low cost" dalla casa madre, di economico non hanno proprio nulla, anzi, il prezzo è piuttosto caro, ma devo dire che legano benissimo in fatto di eleganza con le mise più disparate, come testimonia questo servizio fotografico di Vogue. Arriveranno in Italia il 25 Ottobre, ma pare che la lista d'attesa per avere il nostro colore preferito sia almeno 20 giorni un mese...Abbiamo tempo quindi per provare mise che abbiamo già nell'armadio, e abbinarle al colore che più preferiamo del nostro smartphone in arrivo....
It will be because the legendary Silicon Valley has landed a girl fashion connoisseur, Angela Ahrendts, former CEO of Burberry and recently appointed senior vice president of Apple, for the first time from the legendary company,appeared some wonderful Iphone very colorful and fashionist.Launched as a series "low cost" by the Brand,they have nothing of chip, indeed, the price is quite expensive but I have to say that bind very well in terms of elegance with the most diverse set, as evidenced by this photo shoot for Vogue. They will arrive in Italy on October 25, but it seems that the waiting list to have our favorite color is at least 20 days a month ... so we have time to prove that we have already put in the closet, and match them to the color you prefer of our smartphone coming ....
It will be because the legendary Silicon Valley has landed a girl fashion connoisseur, Angela Ahrendts, former CEO of Burberry and recently appointed senior vice president of Apple, for the first time from the legendary company,appeared some wonderful Iphone very colorful and fashionist.Launched as a series "low cost" by the Brand,they have nothing of chip, indeed, the price is quite expensive but I have to say that bind very well in terms of elegance with the most diverse set, as evidenced by this photo shoot for Vogue. They will arrive in Italy on October 25, but it seems that the waiting list to have our favorite color is at least 20 days a month ... so we have time to prove that we have already put in the closet, and match them to the color you prefer of our smartphone coming ....
Le voglio!!!!
RispondiEliminache meraviglia!!
...quando la moda ci mette lo zampino è sempre un'altra storia...baci ady
RispondiEliminaUbique Chic